Kultura Gniewu is publishing comics for the mature readers and children as well (Krótkie Gatki subsidiary label). Among its publications readers can find comics journalism by Guy Delisle, classic comics strips („Fritz the Cat” by Robert Crumb) and many stories about modern world like „No Comment” by Ivan Brun, „The Arrival” by Shaun Tan or „Exit Wounds” by Rutu Modan. Prominent space in publisher’s catalogue is occupied by ambitious books for children and younger readers: „Lauma” by Karol Kalinowski or „Norka Zaglady” writen by Tomasz Samojlik. Half of books from Kultura Gniewu’s catalogue are by Polish authors, the other half are licensed from all over the world. Attention to artistic and editorial quality of books brought many awards and honors for Kultura Gniewu.