Adriano Giannini (Amministratore unico e direttore creativo) Email:
Narratè® is an original “beverage design” editorial for- mat born in Italy and consisting of a short story associ- ated with a tea or herbal tea bag, whose reading time co- incides with that of infusion: 5 minutes. Our deconstructed publishing house selects and manages the best suppliers who cooperate on the production of Narratè® in Italy. We adopt a “design-driven” model, i.e. making innovative strategic choices originating from creative processes rather than from market principles.
Arte Biografie Cibo e salute Fantasy Filosofia Geografia Hobbies e tempo libero Narrativa Racconti Saggistica Umorismo
(21-106) Libri educativi (21-202) Audiolibri (21-304) Gadgets (21-305) Libri strenna
(E) All Ages
Viale Stelvio, 21 20159 Milano MI, ITALIA