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Kunstanstifter Publishing House was founded in 2006 by Suse and Niklas Thierfelder in Mannheim. Together, we decided on a daring venture – publishing illustrated books apart from the mainstream, art that charts new frontiers, fresh and provoking, smart and masterly crafted. Our vision grew into an award-winning, independent publishing house. Kunstanstifter titles are hybrids of literature and art, for children and grown-up readers alike, often beyond established categories. We publish collector-quality books with the highest artistic standards. While we privilege the art of illustration, we do not compromise literary quality. At their best, text and image enhance each other for an aesthetic unity. Kunstanstifter’s list is characterized by a novel blend of young talents, innovative voices, classical and contemporary authors of diverse cultural backgrounds. We publish eight to ten titles per year, and choose from all genres including short stories, tales, cooking and travel books. The illustrations and distinctive book features are an essential. We work with FSC-certified printers in the region and produce climate-neutrally using eco-friendly colors, paper, and processing. In the last few years, numerous and prestigious awards have confirmed our strategy – the German Design Award, the Joseph-Binder-Award in Gold, the German-French Youth Literature Prize, The Beauty and the Book Award, the Serafina – a young talent award, and last but not least, the award of the German Youth Literature Prize. Our regular presence at the largest bookfairs in Frankfurt and Leipzig demonstrates that quality + selection equals success.
