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FISCHER Children’s and Young Adult includes, among others, the imprints FISCHER KJB, FISCHER Sauerländer, FISCHER Children’s and Young Adult Paperbacks. Thus, it is the home of many extraordinary picture books, a discerning but also modern and sophisticated popular programme of stories for children and young adults, as well as exceptional non-fiction books. Established German-speaking and international authors find a home here alongside new talents. Next to old and modern classics, the reader will find wonderful series for girls with magical realism, fantasy-adventure series, action-packed stories, as well as extensively illustrated books for beginning readers, and a fine selection of exciting and exceptional novels for readers from age twelve on up. Some notable titles include Weißt du eigentlich wie lieb ich dich hab? (Guess How Much I Love You), Cornelia Funke‘s Hinter verzauberten Fenstern (Behind Enchanted Windows), Zimt & Weg, Vortex, Die rote Zora (The Outsiders of Uskoken Castle) and Der Junge im gestreiften Pyjama (The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas). The programme features well-known German authors, such as Dagmar Bach, Anna Benning, Valja Zinck, Stefanie Gerstenberger and Martin Schäuble, alongside successful international writers like John Boyne, Liz Kessler and Connie Glynn. Famous illustrators - such as Eva Schöffmann-Davidov, Franziska Harvey, Max Meinzold, Alexander Steffensmeier, Emilia Dziubak and Inka Vigh- lend special visual appeal to the programme.
