

Gusti (Gustavo Rosemfett) has published more than one hundred and fifty books and won major prizes including the Golden Apple in Bratislava, the Appeles -Mestres prize, BolognaRagazzi Award in the disability category for the book 'Mallko y papá', the Serra Dór Award and the Junceda Award. In 2022, he was nominated for the Hans Christian Andersen Award.
Gusti was artistic director of the design studio Casa de Carlota. He is founder and president of the association 'Windown', which focuses on art as a tool for inclusion.

He teaches drawing and picture books at the Eina school of design, as well as holding art workshops and lectures on image and disability. In particular, he holds several inclusive workshops in Spain, Colombia, Nicaragua, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Germany and Italy. Finally, he collaborates with Andean Condor and Harpy Eagle conservation projects. Gusti lives and works in Barcelona.


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