Roberto Frabetti

President of the Jury


Founder in 1976 of Bologna’s children’s theatre La Baracca - Teatro Testoni Ragazzi, director, actor, playwright and administrator Roberto Frabetti is both artistic director of Bologna’s festival for the very young “Small size, performing arts for early years”, a four-year (2014-2018) European project, and project manager of the 2018-2022 European project “Mapping. A map on the aesthetics of performing arts for early years”. A member of the Executive Committee of Assitej International and Assitej Italia, he received the ASSITEJ Award for Artistic Excellence in 2008 (on behalf of La Baracca) and the “ASSITEJ Germany Award in 2018. Again on behalf of La Baracca, Roberto received the National Award “Infanzia (Childhood) - Piccolo Plauto 2013” for his “contribution to children’s culture”. He curated the “Charter of Children's Rights to Art and Culture”, a La Baracca-Testoni Ragazzi project awarded the Medal of the Presidency of the Italian Republic. Besides authoring 61 shows for young people and 33 for small children, he has written various books and articles on theatre for children and young people published in numerous anthologies.

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