Translators Café speakers 2017

 Roberto Arduini is the president of the Italian Association for Tolkien Studies and member of the Editorial Board of the series Tolkien e Dintorni (Marietti 1820). He is co-author and co-editor of Il Kalevala. Poema nazionale finnico, translated by Paolo Emilio Pavolini (Il Cerchio, 2007), La trasmissione del pensiero e la numerazione degli Elfi (Marietti, 2008), The Broken Scythe: Death and Immortality in the Works of J.R.R. Tolkien (Walking Tree, 2012), La biblioteca di Bilbo. Percorsi di lettura tolkieniani nei libri per ragazzi (Effatà, 2011), Tolkien e la Filosofia (Marietti, 2011), C’era una volta… Lo Hobbit (Marietti, 2012). Among his most recent publications: Viaggio ed Eroismo ne Il Signore degli Anelli, (Proceedings, Palermo 2014) and All’Ombra del Signore Degli Anelli, le opere minori di J.R.R. Tolkien (Proceedings, Trento 2015)

Luisella Arzani is the editorial director of the publishing house Giralangolo.

Sante Bandirali is a publisher, translator and writer. He is a co-founder of the publishing house Uovonero Edizioni, where he is now editorial manager. For Uovonero he has translated all the`Hank Zipzer’ books in the series, by Henry Winkler and Lin Oliver, all the novels by the great anglo-irish writer Siobhan Dowd, including The London Eye Mystery (Premio Andersen 2012), and other works of fiction and essays.

Francesca Boarini is Assistant professor of German Language and Translation at the University of Cagliari. Her main research interests deal with translation studies, contrastive linguistics and stylistic with an emphasis on onomastics.

Elisa Caligiana graduated in Translation for the publishing industry at the University of Bologna. She translates YA novels from English and non-fiction books from Russian. Her translation of fantasy books include: Beautiful Creatures (La sedicesima luna) by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl; Regina rossa by Victoria Aveyard and La chiave di bronzo by Holly Black and Cassandra Clare.

Giampaolo Canzonieri is a founding member of the Italian Association for Tolkien Studies, essayist and translator. He is also a member of the Editorial Board of the series "Tolkien and Surroundings" (Marietti 1820), with particular emphasis on translation issues. He also contributed to The Broken Scythe: Death and Immortality in the Works of J.R.R. Tolkien (Walking Tree, 2012), and C’era una volta... Lo Hobbit - Alle origini del Signore degli Anelli (2012).

Alice Casarini teaches translation at the University of Bologna and English as a foreign language at the Carlo Bo School for Interpreters and Translators (Bologna). She holds a PhD in Audiovisual Translation from the University of Bologna (2014). Her research interests focus on the perception of American adolescent culture through the dubbing and fansubbing of television series aimed at teenagers. As a translator, she specializes in YA literature and videogame localization.

Elisa Comito translates from English, French and Romanian. She is a member of AITI and STRADE (Italian Union of Translators working in the publishing industry). For STRADE she is in charge of the consultancy service, monitoring good contractual practices, such as the recent code of practice for a fair relationship between publishers and translators signed with ODEI (Italian Observatory of Independent Publishers).

Andrea Dresseno With a degree in cinema from DAMS in Bologna, Andrea Dresseno has served as curator of the Archivio Videoludico della Cineteca di Bologna, the first Italian archive dedicated to the preservation of the video game, since 2009. The project, which is aimed at students, researchers and enthusiasts, seeks not only to preserve the historical heritage, but also to promote inter-media research opportunities and open access to the archived heritage.

Gloria Bazzocchi is associate professor of Spanish Language and Translation at Bologna University. Her research interests focus on teaching translation and linguistic mediation, the translation of literature for children and adolescents, translating books in general, and the language of wine tasting and its translation.

Elena Di Giovanni is Associate Professor of Translation at the University of Macerata, Italy, where she specializes in audiovisual translation (dubbing, subtitling, audio description and audiovisual translation for children) but also media accessibility and translation in postcolonial settings. Since 2008, she is a regular Visiting Lecturer at Roehampton University, London, MA course in audiovisual translation. Since 2014, she is Visiting Lecturer at Montclair State University, New Jersey, USA. She is also a regular Lecturer at the Venice Film Festival (Mostra Internazionale d'Arte Cinematografica di Venezia), on film translation and accessibility. Her publications include: Between Text and Receiver: Translation and Accessibility (Peter Lang, 2011), Writing and Translating for Children: Voices, Images and Texts (Peter Lang, 2010), Oltre l’Occidente. Traduzione e Alterità Culturale (Bompiani, 2009).

Lorenzo Gammarelli is an essayist and translator. He edited Il fabbro di Wootton Major (Bompiani, 2005), Il Cacciatore di Draghi (Bompiani, 2005) by J.R.R. Tolkien and Tolkien e la Grande Guerra di John Garth. He contributed to the magazine «Endóre» and to  the volumes The Broken Scythe: Death and Immortality in the Works of J.R.R. Tolkien (Walking Tree, 2012) and C'era una volta... Lo Hobbit (Marietti, 2012. He participates regularly in conferences and talks in Italy and UK.

Federico Gaspari is Associate Professor of English linguistics and translation studies at the University for Foreigners “Dante Alighieri” of Reggio Calabria and visiting postdoctoral researcher at Dublin City University, where he works on European research projects focusing on language technologies, machine translation and its evaluation. His main teaching and research interests include translation technologies, in particular machine translation (evaluation, its use online, adoption by professional translators, post-editing), corpus linguistics, descriptive and variationist English linguistics and applied translation.

Fausta Orecchio is the art director of the publishing house Orecchio acerbo, which she founded in 2001 with Simone Tonucci. She has been awarded several prizes which include the Andersen Prize and the Svoboda prize (2012).

Mario Pennacchio founded the STEP Language Services, a translation agency that works for prestigious international brands. Since 2012 he has been working as a translator for The Walt Disney audiobooks.

Alessandra Petrelli graduated in Foreign Languages and Literature at the University of Milan. Since 1988 she has been working as a literary translator from German and English into Italian for various publishing houses, translating novels, children’s books and essays.

Laura Piccolo is Associate Professor of Slavic Studies at the University of Roma Tre. Her main research themes focus on Russian literature of XX century. She has translated two books by Daniil Harms, for which she received a special mention in 2011 (Premio Monselice).

Ilaria Piperno translates from English and French. She discovered, translated and promoted in Italy Ella F. Sanders books Lost in Translation  and The Illustrated Book  of Sayings.

 Marina Pugliano translates from German. Her translations include classics by W. Bonsels, ETA Hoffmann and K. Schädelin. She also coordinates various lifelong learning programmes for translators.

Maurizio Quarello studied graphic design, architecture and illustration. His first picture book, entitled "Babau cerca casa" came out in 2005 by Orecchio Acerbo and was awarded with Primo Voto as the best picture book of the year. Since then he has published about 40 books in 21 countries. His books have received numerous awards in Italy, France, Spain, Belgium, Sweden and Germany.

Fabio Regattin is Assistant professor of French Language and Translation at the University of Bologna. In 2006 he obtained a PhD in Translation Science with a thesis on Boris Vian. Among his areas of research: theory and practice of publishing and literary translation from the French, with a particular emphasis on the translation of puns.

Marina Rullo is a freelance translator from English. In 1999 she founded Biblit, a network for literary translators and since then she’s been involved in many initiatives to foster the rights of Italian literary translators.

Sara Saorin is the co-founder and co-director with Francesca Segato of the publishing house Camelozampa.

Davide Sapienza is an author, translator and traveller. He has published  I Diari di Rubha Hunish (Baldini Castoldi Dalai 2004, Galaad 2011), La valle di Ognidove (Vivalda 2007, Galaad 2013), La musica della neve (Ediciclo, 2011), Scrivere la natura (with Franco Michieli, Zanichelli 2012). His translations of Jack London's works include Rivoluzione (Mattioli 1885 2007), Preparare un fuoco (Mattioli 1885 2007), La Strada (Castelvecchi, 2010), Il richiamo della foresta (Feltrinelli, 2011) and Martin Eden (Mondadori, 2009).

Anna Schlossbauer was part of the organisation of Babel, the festival of literature of translation, in Bellinzona, Switzerland. Since 2010 she works for the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia and is responsible for the promotion of Swiss literature and in particular for the translation’s grants.

Arianna Squilloni founded in 2008 A buen paso, a publishing house which specialises in picture books. She contributes to specialized magazines and runs workshops for writers, illustrators, librarians and schoolteachers. Sometimes she writes for children: L’estate e tutto il resto  (Topipittori 2016), En casa de mis abuelos (Ekaré, 2011). 


Paola Vitale has a degree in languages ​​and has been translating from English and French for twenty-five years. Among the authors she translated: Bruce Jay Friedman, James Patterson, Marc Lévy, Elisabeth Kostova, Robert Ludlum, Diana Athill, Vefa Alexiadou, Alain Ducasse, Tim Powers, Ken McClure, Lesley Cookman. Through Babelcube she has translated two novels of the Canadian author Leon Berger, an historical essay and a children's book.

Roberta Verde has been translating professionally for fifteen years, specialising in YA fiction. A lover of theatre, she occasionally translates for the stage and works as a web copywriter.

Giordano Vintaloro is a freelance translator and copywriter. He teaches translation at the universities of Udine and Trieste and is a member of AITI (Italian Association of Translators and Interpreters) and STRADE (Italian Union of Translators working in the publishing industry), where he served as a secretary from 2013 to 2015. In 2014 he founded the digital publishing house Corpo60 (